
Today, you can choose between various security options for your property from the leading brands such as Ultion, Era or Yale.

Contact your local locksmith who will help you choose the right type of cylinder according to your individual needs.

Cylinder lock

When the key is turned, internal pins move around the inside of the cylinder. This is why a cylinder lock is also known as a pin tumbler. It’s vital to choose the right cylinder. Because a lot of thieves get into properties by lock snapping, lock bumping or cylinder drilling and screwing. To understand the level of security, look at the star rating. Remember: a 3 star cylinder protects against all kinds of lock breaking attempt. 1 star doesn’t guarantee much protection (although you can still support it by a 2 star handle).

Cylinder locks might be fixed only without altering the hardware.

How to install

In order to have your cylinder lock installed or fixed, you need to contact trusted locksmith services near you. Beckenham and Bromley locksmiths, operating in South East London, may help you choose between basic and standard rim cylinders, high security cylinder Ultion with dimple keys, euro double cylinders, euro cylinders key&turn cog wheel cam, Benham style cylinders, single euro cylinders Ultion Plus, oval cylinders, single oval cylinders, oval cylinders key and turn, anti-snap cylinders Ultion, 3 stars euro cylinders and more.

Get in touch with your local locksmith today to choose the right cylinder type for your domestic or commercial  property.

euro cylinder


eurocylinder keyturn


banham style cylinder